Four Ways to Secure Your Home Before Traveling

Americans love traveling with their families, especially during the holidays. It’s estimated that about 122 million Americans planned to travel during the Christmas holidays last year. That number grew this year now that quarantine restrictions have eased. However, traveling has its own set of problems.

One of the main problems most families forget is securing their home. Property crime rates have increased this year, and it can be dangerous to leave your home alone. It’s estimated that about 4,800 burglaries happen every day in the country. Some of the targeted homes are those that are left empty during holidays.

Before leaving for your trip, ensure your home’s safety. Here are some ways you can do that.

Secure Your Windows

Most robbers break through the front door. However, the second most common entry point is through windows.

Windows are easy to enter due to varying reasons. First, robbers can open them. Second, some windows have old or weak locks. Lastly, some windows can easily be broken by force.

Check all your windows and ensure they are locked properly before leaving for a trip. Additionally, consider upgrading the materials of your windows. Here are three excellent materials for your home windows:

Impact-Resistant Glass

Windows made of impact-resistant glass are strong enough to withstand force and harsh weather. These types of windows can also reduce noise coming from the outside. It’s great for security and if you live in a state that experiences a lot of storms.

Aluminum Clad Windows

Aluminum-clad windows have aluminum frames that provide extra strength and durability. They are also good insulators, keeping your home warm during winter and cool during summer.

Fiberglass Windows

Fiberglass windows are known for their strength and durability, making them an excellent option for security purposes. They are also low maintenance, as they don’t easily warp or rot as other materials do over time.

Upgrading your windows should be your priority in securing your home. Consider getting professional help if you don’t know where to start. A window installation service can help you choose the right windows for your home. They can also install the windows once you’ve made your choice. They can do it the right way and even maintain it in the future.

A well-protected front door

Secure Your Home’s Entrances

Aside from windows, the other entry points thieves usually use our doors. So make sure all your doors have solid locks and deadbolts. You can also invest in a smart lock system for added security. This allows you to remotely control your home’s locks using an app on your phone or a voice command through devices such as Amazon Echo or Google Home. If you’re taking a more extended trip, consider investing in a security system.

Security System

A security system can ensure that you can monitor your home no matter where you are. You should install three security devices in your home for robust crime protection.


The first thing you’ll need is surveillance. This can be achieved through CCTV cameras. Position them in critical areas such as the front door, back doors, and windows. Next, choose cameras you can monitor remotely through your phone or laptop.

Motion Sensors

If a thief breaks in, motion sensors can immediately alert you and the authorities. Place these sensors near entry points for maximum protection.

Alarm System

An alarm system is vital for not just alerting you of an intruder but also scaring them away before they can even enter your home entirely. So look for one with loud sirens and consider investing in one that connects to a monitoring center or the police department.

Secure Your Valuables

Thieves often go after valuable items such as jewelry, electronics, and cash. Keep these items safe by storing them in secure storage. Here are three choices when it comes to storing your valuables.

Safe Deposit Box

Banks offer safe deposit boxes for a fee. This is the safest option, as it’s under constant surveillance, and only you have the key or combination to access it.

Home Safe

For added convenience, you can also invest in a home safe. Make sure to choose one that’s heavy and securely bolted down. It should also be fireproof for added protection.

Hidden Compartment

If you want to get creative with hiding your valuables, consider getting a furniture piece with a hidden compartment. You can find various options online, from bookcases to coffee tables with secret compartments where you can store your valuables out of sight.

Securing your home before going on a trip can provide peace of mind. By taking the necessary steps, you can ensure that your home and valuables will be safe while you’re away. It’s always better to be prepared rather than deal with the consequences later. So start securing your home now for added protection during your upcoming holiday travels.

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