Tips for a Fun and Safe Time on the Slopes

You’re about to go to a ski resort with friends and family. You want to have a great time, but you also want it to be safe. The most important thing you should bring is your common sense. Because if something goes wrong, it’s the one thing that can’t run out of batteries or break down. Here are some tips for having a fun and safe time on the slopes:

First off, make sure everyone knows how to ski before they hit the slopes. It might sound obvious, but there are still an awful lot of people who don’t know how to do this basic maneuver! If somebody in your group doesn’t know what they’re doing yet, teach them as soon as you get there.

Secondly, make sure everyone has the right equipment before you head out on the slopes. You can rent or buy everything you need so don’t go bringing all your own equipment! Though the rental shop should have helmets for everyone too, it’s better if you bring your own to ensure cleanliness. If it’s your first time getting one, you can opt for a well-known brand like the Giro Range helmet. Bring extra mittens too, as they always seem to go missing.

And make sure you’re wearing warm, waterproof clothing. Expensive ski-wear isn’t necessary (after all, it is a rental) but if you do buy something new remember that skiing gets your clothes soaking wet, and they won’t dry out on the slopes.

How to Prepare Your Body for the Cold Weather

A lot of people don’t know that there are some simple things you can do to prepare your body for the cold weather. Even if it’s just a short walk in the snow, being prepared will keep you warm and comfortable. Here are three easy tips:

1) Wear layers!

It sounds obvious but it is so important to wear clothes that cover most of your skin. You’ll be less likely to catch a cold or sudden illness because of the wind, snow, or rain on your skin, and more likely to stay warm with extra layers too. If possible, choose synthetic materials which have better insulation properties than natural fibers like cotton; wool is popular for this purpose because it retains heat well when wet (it does suck when wet though).

2) Feet!

It’s not just your head that needs covering up. Your body parts closest to the ground need protection too, and feet are no exception! It may seem like a hassle, but it’s worth borrowing or buying some warm woolen socks before you hit the slopes. Nothing is worse than cold toes when they can’t move to keep them warm. You can opt for wool socks with waterproof materials on the outside, which will work just as well as thermal socks.

3) Protect your face!

You don’t want your breath steaming up so protect yourself from the cold and moisture by protecting your face. Thankfully they make lightweight balaclavas these days which will keep your nose and mouth warm without swallowing tons of snow (or worse…your friend’s germs). Just make sure you can breathe easily through it…and don’t forget to bring a hat too!

Safety Precautions You Should Take When Going Up a Mountain

Proper safety equipment is essential. You don’t want to go tumbling headfirst down a mountain so make sure you have good quality skis, poles, boots, and bindings. If you aren’t confident in your abilities try renting some snowboard gear instead as it’s easier to get the hang of (and safer!). Charging devices like your phone should be kept in an inside pocket for safety.

Taking extra precautions when you’re out on the slopes is key to having a safe and fun day. If there’s too much snow or ice, stay off the mountain! It might be tempting to try to ski through the rough patches, but you’re much safer sticking to the designated trails. Make sure to take a break every hour or so and drink some water. Ski resorts aren’t known for their warm temperatures! The coolest advice we have always dresses in layers.

And remember that going down a mountain isn’t just physical, it’s mental too. If you start to get tired or frustrated, remember that it’s okay to take some time off the slopes for a while.

Lastly, and most importantl target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow”y, never ski alone. If something happens to you, you’ll be much better off with a friend or a trained professional.


Before going up a mountain make sure to bring your phone, sunglasses, sunscreen, snacks, and water bottles! Wear layers of clothing to keep yourself warm and dry feet in waterproof socks. Protect your face from the cold and moisture by protecting your face. Take extra precautions when going down a mountain to have a safe and fun day. And never ski alone!

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